
Customization files for my workstations. Nothing special or worth looking at.
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.xsession (846B)

      1 exec feh --bg-fill /home/overseer/Pictures/Wallpapers/RainbowCity.jpg &
      2 compton -f -i .7 --blur-background --blur-kern 7x7box --backend glx --active-opacity .95 --opacity-rule '99: name *= "GNU Image Manipulation Program"' --opacity-rule '100: name *= "Firefox"' &
      4 # Use middle mouse button and TrackPoint to scroll
      5 xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation" 1 &
      6 xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Axes" 6 7 4 5 &
      7 xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Button" 2 &
      8 xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Timeout" 50 &
      9 xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Intertia" 3 &
     11 exec xterm -fd 'Noto Emoji' -geometry 37x1+1298+0 +sb -cr 170a1c -e ~/ &
     12 exec dunst -conf /home/overseer/.config/dunstrc/dunstrc &
     13 xrdb ~/.Xresources &
     14 exec cwm